Become a sponsor for an apacheta –
or for more than one!
It’s a soulful way to support our work and become personally involved in caring for one of these enchanted places!
With 8€ per month you guarantee that your “godchild” will be visited and lovingly cared for by us at least 4 times a year. If you give more, we can give even more care.
As a thank you, you will receive a photo of the apacheta once a year and a yearly opportunity to participate in a one-day pilgrimage for all our donors.
Choose your “godchild” apacheta here!
Lé Parom-Apacheta
Our network of over 120 sacred sites in nature is unique in the world. It wants to be maintained, cared for and enlarged. This requires a lot of time and considerable expenses. The members of the „Dolomiten Ayllu“ go on pilgrimage to these sacred sites in their spare time as often as they can, but there are so many sites and sadly, damages are so common, that this is not sufficient anymore.
We urgently need the financial means to make it possible for at least one person to dedicate themselves to this service, to a larger extent. In addition, we want to finance initiatives for a new form of pilgrimage to sacred sites in nature, as an alternative to conventional tourism. To reach these goals, we need 20.000 €. Every sponsorship helps to reach this donation goal!
If you prefer to donate independent of an apacheta sponsorship, please choose the amount here:
For regular donations, please send a standing order directly to the association's account:
Wayna Fanes Förderverein
IBAN: IT 54 F 0808111610000306004911
Raiffeisenkasse Bozen
or Paypal: