Shamanic apprenticeship and shamanic initiation

In the course of a shamanic apprenticeship, many times you will reach the point where you cannot take two steps over an abyss but have to take a leap: the moment for an initiation has come!

Initiation rituals provide a boost to spiritual development that opens the gates to expanded spaces of consciousness. This gives us more power and consequently, more responsibility for how we use it. Medicine people or shamanic teachers transmit initiations, becoming a channel for the power of the spirit beings with whom they are allied. The Karpays of the Q'ero in the Andes are an example of such transmissions.

In the initiation path of Wayna Fanes, these transmissions are from the Apukuna (the sacred mountains) themselves, which, as in the Andean tradition, are regarded as the highest spirit beings on earth. In connection with the Apukuna, transmissions can also come from the mythical figures and certain animals that live in their domain. The marmot and ermine play a special role in the Fanes myth as revered totem animals. Renewing the legendary alliance between the Fanes and the marmots is particularly important to restore our relationship with the earth and, therefore, plays a central role in our initiation path.

When you enter the teaching series "The Incomparably Radiant Stone" and thus become a Mesa carrier, this is already a first initiatory step. You begin to build a reciprocal relationship with the allied spirit beings and embark on the Seven Rainbow Paths that lead to the Rayeta. In doing so, you have decided to follow the true longing of your soul and turn more strongly to the spiritual dimension of being human.

After completing the teaching series, you can receive your first major initiation as a Wayna Fanes, followed by other initiations when you have attained the necessary spiritual maturity and want it from the bottom of your heart.

With each initiation, you choose to serve the wellbeing of Pachamama and her children on an even greater level of consciousness.